‘The Batman’ and Animated Series Utility Belts

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The two cartoon Batman belts were made of long 5mm foam backers with 3mm and 5mm decorative design pieces glued on top. I glued nylon webbing onto the backs and added velcro for fastening. Both were hand painted with acrylic. Also, while gluing on the webbing,  I held the belts in a bent position in order to have them retain some curvature after the glue dried.

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Templates for both are available here.

Batwoman Gauntlets and Utility Belt

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 I was commissioned to make a set of Batwoman gauntlets and a utility belt. I found some pre-made pouches online and built a simple two-layer foam base for the belt. Everything was then mounted onto nylon webbing and hand painted with acrylic. A plastic buckle was used to fasten it at the back.

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For the gauntlets I made a paper template first and then cut each separate design layer out of 3mm foam and painted with acrylic.

paper model (Small)

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Another customer wanted one painted yellow for a Batgirl costume.

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The template for the gauntlets is available here:

1989 Batman Utility Belt

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A couple pics of the build process for the 1989 Keaton Style Batman utility belt. Several flat layers of 3 and 5mm eva foam, backed with nylon webbing, hand painted with metallic acrylic.

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One customer asked for an 89 belt with some functional pouches:

belt (Small)


The template for the belt is available in the shop here.

New 52 Batman Utility Belt version 1

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The first version of my new 52 bat belt was a very simple design- a single layer of 2mm yellow foam glued to a layer of black 5mm foam. The pieces were all glued to nylon webbing, and then velcro was glued on to fasten it in the back.

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Here’s a quick template I made for the belt (link). It’s not quite symmetrical and may need a little resizing but should help if you want to make the belt yourself.